Acute corruption issue in the health sector in Serbia in light of the 2004 government enquiries Cover Image

Korupcija i integritet javnog zdravstva u Srbiji
Acute corruption issue in the health sector in Serbia in light of the 2004 government enquiries

Author(s): Author Not Specified
Subject(s): Politics / Political Sciences
Published by: Centar za menadzment
Keywords: corruption; Serbia; health care; transition; reforms; ethics; bribes; medicine

Summary/Abstract: The article is dealing with the professional integrity of medical doctors and the efficiency of the anticorruption policy which is already being implemented within the reform of public health care sector in Serbia. The health care sector integrity failures follow the pattern of the values system disintegration affecting the Serbian society with the collapse of socialism at the end of last century. Despite the efforts of the Government of Serbia made in the period following the political changes since October 2000 in order to improve situation in the public health sector, important institutional reforms are still missing: adoption of the professional code of conduct and formation of the professional Chamber charged with accountability establishing prerogatives.

  • Issue Year: 2004
  • Issue No: 11-12
  • Page Range: 18-21
  • Page Count: 4
  • Language: Serbian
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