Трговските врски на Скопје и неговата околина во минатото како етнолошки астпект
The trade conections оf Skopje and its vicinity in the раѕt from ап ethnologic аѕресt
Author(s): Alla KačevaSubject(s): Anthropology
Published by: Здружение на етнолозите на Република Македониjа - Музеj на Македониjа
Keywords: Старата Скопска чаршија и безистенот; пазариштето; скопските трговци; внатрешната и надворешната трговија; развој на занаетчиството; патишта и кираџии; културни промени во начинот на животот на населението
Summary/Abstract: The city of Skopje and the ѕuпоuпdiпg has always been а social, economic and cultural unit in Macedonia with specific features. The geographic lay-out, the different and numerous natural resources, the wealthy cultural tradition, contributed to the importance of this tеritоrу in the social, economic and cultural life of central Balkan. The main economic branches in Skopje and the surrounding area were: agriculture, craftsmenship and trade. These branches were closely connected creating а unique econornic organizam. Trade was the main base which linked the at аll, with the external and the internal connections, allowing wide exchange of different ready made poducts, materials, ѕошсеѕ and other stock. Skopje was an important center with the markets, the shops, the craftsmen, the merchants and the intellegensia. On the markets exchange was made of agricultural products from the villages for the town population, while the products from the city from the craftsmen and the merchants was intended for the village population. These mutual exchanges satisfied both sides. The merchants and the intellegensia from Skopje had an important role in the domestic and foreign exchange. The permanent contacts with the Еuropean centers had а positive influence on the economic social and the culturallife of this area.
Journal: Етнолог - списание на здружението на етнолозите на Македониja
- Issue Year: 1992
- Issue No: 2
- Page Range: 117-126
- Page Count: 10
- Language: Macedonian
- Content File-PDF