Връзката между националното и общочовешкото в културата на нашето време
The connection between the national and the human in the culture of our time
Author(s): Daniel JacochSubject(s): Cultural Essay, Political Essay, Societal Essay
Summary/Abstract: Prof. Dr. Ilija Konev left great cultural legacy for us. Systematically going forward step by step he had been elaborating the conception of development and interrelationships of the Balcanistic and Central-European literatures and cultures. He usually took Bulgarian literature as starting point in his analysis, but in the end he gave a whole picture about national and universal characteristics of literature and art of almost every national culture in the Central European and Balkan region. This approach itself implicitly embraces the studying of relations between national characteristics and the universal human values. As a result Ilija Konev arrived at the conclusion that the free development of the national cultural characteristics in the Balkan region led to the strengthening of the universal human values. And there were not any contradiction between them.
Journal: Балканистичен Форум
- Issue Year: 2012
- Issue No: 2
- Page Range: 23-27
- Page Count: 5
- Language: Bulgarian
- Content File-PDF