Fiscalk Relations between the central and the local Government in the Republic of Croatia Cover Image

Fiskalni odnosi između središnje i lokalne vlasti u Republici Hrvatskoj
Fiscalk Relations between the central and the local Government in the Republic of Croatia

Author(s): Pavle Mihalj
Subject(s): Politics / Political Sciences
Published by: Fakultet političkih znanosti u Zagrebu

Summary/Abstract: If the functioning of the fiscal system implies the functioning of democracy, then the interest in its smooth operation is understandable. Particularly important is its segment concerning the financing of local government and self-government. Well-regulated relations between the state and local communities is the basic prerequisite of economic, social and any other development. The decentralization of the fiscal system in the Republic of Croatia is one of the barriers standing in the way of achieving these goals. The crucial question is only which is the acceptable degree of the decentralization, economically and politically. The experiences of other European countries may serve as a basis for regulating the fiscal relations among the higher and the lower levels of government. The central government should retain only those responsibilities that cannot be carried out by the units of local government and self-government. *************************** Ako je funkcioniranje fiskalnog sustava velikim dijelom funkcioniranje demokracije, onda je sasvim razumljiv interes za njegovo efikasno funkcioniranje. U okviru njega posebnu pozornost zaslužuje onaj segment koji se odnosi na financiranje lokalne uprave i samouprave. Jer, dobro uređeni odnosi između središnje države i lokalnih zajednica temeljna su pretpostavka gospodarskog, socijalnog i svakoga drugog razvitka. Decentralizacija fiskalnog sustava u Republici Hrvatskoj jedna je od zadaća što stoji na putu ostvarenja tih ciljeva. Krucijalno je samo pitanje koji je to prihvatljivi stupanj decentralizacije s gospodarskog i političkog stajališta. Iskustva u europskim zemljama mogu poslužiti kao podloga za uređenje fiskalnih odnosa između viših i nižih razina vlasti. Središnja vlast teba zadržati samo one funkcije koje ne mogu obavljati jedinice lokalne uprave i samouprave.

  • Issue Year: XXXVII/2000
  • Issue No: 02
  • Page Range: 194-206
  • Page Count: 13
  • Language: Croatian
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