Deliberativna demokracija i javnosti u malom
Author(s): Graham SmithSubject(s): Politics / Political Sciences
Published by: Fakultet političkih znanosti u Zagrebu
Keywords: deliberation; deliberative democracy; mini-publics; democratic participation
Summary/Abstract: The increasing use of mini-publics in the policy process, ranging from citizens’ juries and deliberative polls to the more recent British Columbia Citizens’ Assembly, has coincided with the emergence of theories of deliberative democracy. A growing number of deliberative democrats have turned their attention to mini-publics arguing that they embody desirable institutional characteristics. This article analyses the extent to which mini-publics live up to the deliberative ideal and the ways in which the analysis of the practice of mini-publics allows us to reflect on the evaluative commitments of theorists.
Journal: Politička Misao
- Issue Year: XLV/2008
- Issue No: 03-04
- Page Range: 27-58
- Page Count: 32
- Language: Croatian