From Genre Terminology to Sociocultural Phenomenon II. The Picture of New Popular Genres in Italian Cinema of 60’ s – 70’ Cover Image

Od žánrové terminologie k sociokulturnímu fenoménu II.
From Genre Terminology to Sociocultural Phenomenon II. The Picture of New Popular Genres in Italian Cinema of 60’ s – 70’

Author(s): Jan Švábenický
Subject(s): Theatre, Dance, Performing Arts
Published by: Ústav divadelnej a filmovej vedy SAV

Summary/Abstract: The study examines popular genres in Italian cinema of 60‘s – 70‘s as a sociocultural phenomenon in the context of cultural background and film industry. The text structured as interdisciplinal interpretation explores the subject on the level of textual and intertextual analysis and includes wide framework of various aspects related to questions of elected subject of study. The essay also examines Italian genre terminology and titles of several films that belongs into popular cycles and series of concrete genres. The included examples show that interests and intentions of filmmakers, producers, distributors and audience with regard to film genres are absolutely inconsistent. The text is based on methodological approach of interdisciplinary concept of history of Italian cinema applied by Italian film historian and theorist Gian Piero Brunetta in his long series of books and in his several times revised and completed work.

  • Issue Year: 60/2012
  • Issue No: 02
  • Page Range: 205-218
  • Page Count: 14
  • Language: Slovak
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