A question of taste and morality in 12th century Byzantine society: a satirical poem about gender relations by Theodoros Prodromos and its meaning Cover Image

Питања укуса и морала у византијском друштву 12. века: сатирични приказ мушко-женских односа у песми Теодора Продрома и њено значење
A question of taste and morality in 12th century Byzantine society: a satirical poem about gender relations by Theodoros Prodromos and its meaning

Author(s): Vlada Stanković
Subject(s): History
Published by: Udruženje za društvenu istoriju
Keywords: Byzantium; Theodore Prodromos; society; morality; irony; erotic

Summary/Abstract: Prodromos’s mockery about certain characteristics of the Byzantinians raises the question of cause and reason for his poetical parodies and the taste of his audience. The poem was ordered by the emperor John Comnenus (1118-1143) himself, who was known for his non-provoking way of life, annual war campaigns and firm fidelity the empress Irene Piroska. This poem was undoubtedly written by one of the favourite John Comnenus’s intellectuals, who staged shows in emperor’s palace which the emperor enjoyed much more then official acclamations written by the same author. Open sexual allusions, lascive context of many episodes of this and other similar poems, hidden but clearly understandable vulgar vocabu-lary, suggest that the basileus and his narrower circle enjoyed their “male” entertainment. However, some scenes and morals confirm the influence of women, especially noble ones. Morality of Byzantine elite in the age of Comnenus dinasty was closely connected with the structure of the society itself, with almighty family as its basic element, where domination of woman, mother and wife alike was a real category. It was not only imaginable, but also favourite subject of the Byzantine poetry of that time. As a reaction to the real gender relations within both the Byzantine family and Byzantine society, this mockery represents one of the most important elements of prevailing taste of Byzantine elite in the age of Comnenus’, and also the reactions of the superior male members of the ruling family.

  • Issue Year: 2011
  • Issue No: 2
  • Page Range: 7-19
  • Page Count: 13
  • Language: Serbian
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