Трябва да осъзнаем, че историята се е върнала назад що се отнася до контактите и общуването между Източна и Западна Европа
We had to realize that the history has moved back as far as the communication between the Western and the Eastern Europe is concerned
Author(s): Sabine HeringSubject(s): Gender Studies
Summary/Abstract: Interview with Prof. Sabine Hering (Germany) about her book "History of Social Work in Europe (1900-1960). Female Pioneers and their influence on the Development of International Social Organisations" --------------------------- introduction of: Sabine Hering & Gudrun Maierhof, "Die unpässliche Frau. Sozialgeschichte der Menstruation und Hygiene" (Mabuse Verlag 2002)
Journal: Балканистичен Форум
- Issue Year: 2003
- Issue No: 1-3
- Page Range: 17-21
- Page Count: 5
- Language: Bulgarian
- Content File-PDF