Correlation Between Family Climate Variables and Adaptive Behavior in Estimates of Children with Disabilities and Typical Development Cover Image

Povezanost varijabli obiteljske klime i prilagođenog ponašanja u procjenama djece s teškoćama i tipičnog razvoja
Correlation Between Family Climate Variables and Adaptive Behavior in Estimates of Children with Disabilities and Typical Development

Author(s): Daniela Cvitković, Anamarija Žic Ralić
Subject(s): Education
Published by: Sveučilište u Zagrebu, Edukacijsko-rehabilitacijski fakultet
Keywords: children with disabilities; family; adaptive behaviour; family climate

Summary/Abstract: Starting from the assumption that family climate affects the adaptive behaviour, the goal of this research is to examine the relationship of family climate measured by a Scale of family environment (Moos and Moos, 2002) and adaptive behaviour of children measured by BRP-2 (Brow and Hammill, 1990). A sample of children with disabilities (N=60) and typical children (N= 73), both sexes, students from elementary schools in Zagreb, grade 6. Children gave self-assessment of their behaviour and family climate, parents assessed the adaptive behaviour of children. There was a statistically significant correlation between the adaptive behaviour of children with disabilities and some aspects of family climate. In families in which conflicts are more present, there is lower level of adaptive behaviour of children with disabilities. Higher levels of adaptive behaviour of girls with disabilities at home was found in those families where a better cohesion, organization and where there are common recreational activities. Higher levels of adaptive behaviour of girls with disabilities among their peers is associated with better family cohesion, while higher levels of behaviour in schools is associated with a higher incidence of intellectual and cultural activities in the family. Better organization of the family and the presence of intellectual and cultural activity is associated with higher levels of adaptive behaviour of typical boys. Adaptive behaviour of typical girls is negatively associated with cohesion, family organization, and intellectual and cultural activities of the family. The results are interpreted in the light of theories about the family as a system.

  • Issue Year: 49/2013
  • Issue No: 1
  • Page Range: 151-163
  • Page Count: 13
  • Language: Croatian
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