Escape Artists and Freedom’s Children
Escape Artists and Freedom’s Children
Author(s): Thomas SalumetsSubject(s): Literary Texts
Published by: Tartu Ülikooli Kirjastus
Keywords: metaphors "escape artists" and "freedom’s children"; Estonian writers; Jaan Kross; Jaan Kaplinski; Estonian-Canadian novelist; K. Linda Kivi;
Summary/Abstract: It is the aim of this essay to consider distinctions and emerging tension balances between escape artists and freedom’s children with the help of several strong voices. Among them are three authors, of different generations yet intimately connected to one of Europe’s small nations, for whom pressures to integrate and to locate themselves without reference to others have been particularly high. How do they — two Estonian writers, Jaan Kross and Jaan Kaplinski, as well as an Estonian-Canadian novelist, K. Linda Kivi — negotiate this difficult terrain?
Journal: Interlitteraria
- Issue Year: III/1998
- Issue No: 3
- Page Range: 165-186
- Page Count: 22
- Language: English