Statutul de semiauxiliar al verbului “a urma”
The semiauxiliary status of the verbe a urma
Author(s): Elena ComesSubject(s): Language and Literature Studies
Published by: Ovidius University Press
Keywords: Romanian verb a urma; verb of motion (movement in space); semi-auxiliary verb indicating future tense; periphrastic structures
Summary/Abstract: The paper proposes an analysis of the semantic and syntactic behaviour of the verb a urma used as an auxiliary indicating future tense in periphrastic structures of the type : urmeaza + V subjunctive (urmează să plece, urmează să vină, urmează să răspundă, etc.). This research examines the particularities of this verb of motion (movement in space), which has acquired a temporal meaning (future) in the structures in which it is used as a semi-auxiliary for another verb. We aim at identifying the particularities of the occurrence of this Romanian semi-auxiliary verb by comparing its status to that of verbes of motion in French (aller and venir), which can be used both as motion verbs and as temporal semi-auxiliaries.
Journal: Analele Universităţii Ovidius din Constanţa. Seria Filologie
- Issue Year: 2003
- Issue No: 14
- Page Range: 53-62
- Page Count: 10
- Language: Romanian