Láska, disciplína a budoucnost. Diskurz osmanských intelektuálů o dětech v rodině (1870 – 1918)
Love, Discipline and the Future. The discourse of Ottoman intellectuals about children in the family (1870 – 1918)
Author(s): Darina MartykánováSubject(s): History
Published by: Historický ústav SAV
Keywords: Discourse of progress; Modern; Ottoman Empire; childhood; family; state; discipline; gender
Summary/Abstract: The last five decades of the existence of the Ottoman Empire were marked by debates about the future of the Empire. An important part of these was the formulation of a new ideal of childhood, motherhood and fatherhood in harmony with the needs of Ottoman society as defined by its intellectuals. The discourse of progress on which the modernization projects of the reformists were based, meant substantial changes in the perception of the role of the youngest generation in building the new future of the Empire. This was reflected in the emphasis placed on education and discipline. The values of individualism contributed to a redefinition of the child as a unique individual. It is possible to state that the given period meant a substantial turning point in the direction of seeing the child as the future modern citizen.
Journal: Historický časopis
- Issue Year: 2008
- Issue No: 02
- Page Range: 249-266
- Page Count: 18
- Language: Czech