Condiţiile şi procedura recunoaşterii ca minoritate naţională a unui grup etnic
Terms and procedures for the recognition of an ethnic group as a national minority
Author(s): Roxana PrisăcariuSubject(s): Politics / Political Sciences
Published by: Centrul de Studii Internationale
Keywords: national minorities; ethnic groups; National Minorities’ Council; organizations of citizens belonging to national minorities
Summary/Abstract: The study intends to contribute to the definition of national minorities in the Romanian law, highlighting the points where domestic regulations do not fully meet Romania’s international commitments. The paper will focus on the limitation of the group of national minorities to those already represented in Parliament, on the condition imposed on organizations willing to represent these minorities to obtain a public utility qualification granted by the Government, as well as on the further requisite proof of “representativeness” in 15 counties.
Journal: Noua Revistă de Drepturile Omului
- Issue Year: 6/2010
- Issue No: 4
- Page Range: 43-51
- Page Count: 9
- Language: Romanian