10 lat polityki spójności w Polsce
10 years of cohesion policy in Poland
Author(s): Marek KozakSubject(s): Politics / Political Sciences
Published by: EUROREG - Uniwersytet Warszawski, Regional Studies Association - Sekcja Polska
Keywords: Poland; Cohesion policy; results; succession of goals
Summary/Abstract: The paper is devoted to a meta-analysis of the Cohesion policy influence on the development in Poland in the last decade. The meta-analysis is based on statistical data and analyses in the context of the Cohesion policy development objectives. The author hypothesizes that in the period, Cohesion policy contributed mostly to the improvement of the quality of life. The reasons of that should be sought in the mechanism of so-called objective replacement, an informal compromise between the expectations of the main beneficiaries, and loosened requirements set by those managing the Cohesion policy. On the basis of the data and reports available, the author confirms the hypothesis.
Journal: Studia Regionalne i Lokalne
- Issue Year: 15/2014
- Issue No: 58
- Page Range: 25-50
- Page Count: 24
- Language: Polish