O nowatorskim opisie figury autorytetu. Rec.: Małgorzata Juda-Mieloch, Na ramionach gigantów. Figura autorytetu w polskich... Kraków (2008)
On an Innovative Description of the Figure of Authority.A rev.:Małgorzata Juda-Mieloch,Na ramionach gigantów.Figura autorytetu w polskich...Kraków2008
Author(s): Luiza RzymowskaSubject(s): Literary Texts
Published by: Instytut Badań Literackich Polskiej Akademii Nauk
Keywords: Małgorzata Juda-Mieloch; the figure of authority; Jerzy Ziomek; Janusz Sławiński; Grażyna Borkowska; Ryszard Nycz; Henryk Markiewicz
Summary/Abstract: The text reviews Małgorzata Juda-Mieloch’s book "On the Arms of Gigants" ("Na ramionach gigantów") devoted to the figure of authority in contemporary Polish literature specialists, edited in Cracow in 2008, and is an original kind of 20th and 21st c. history of Polish literary studies. The reviewer evaluates the study from many perspectives: firstly, from the point of selecting the research material made up of writings by five Polish literary scholars, i.e. Jerzy Ziomek, Janusz Sławiński, Grażyna Borkowska, Ryszard Nycz, and Henryk Markiewicz; secondly, regarding the choice of style, which often recalls an essay; thirdly, on the part of determining the object and research purpose, including the mode of resorting to the term “authority;” fourthly, as far as the use of rhetoric theory for material analysis is concerned; and fifthly, considering the scholar’s greatest achievements seen in this book.
Journal: Pamiętnik Literacki. Czasopismo kwartalne poświęcone historii i krytyce literatury polskiej
- Issue Year: 2013
- Issue No: 2
- Page Range: 253-264
- Page Count: 12
- Language: Polish