Boy’s Christian names in the birth registers in the congregation of Pöide, 1801 to 1840 
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Poeglaste eesnimed Pöide eesti koguduse 1801.–1840. a sünniregistreis
Boy’s Christian names in the birth registers in the congregation of Pöide, 1801 to 1840

Author(s): Kairit Henno
Subject(s): Language and Literature Studies
Published by: Teaduste Akadeemia Kirjastus
Keywords: Onomastics ; Boy’s Christian names ; birth registers ; congregation of Pöide ; 1801 to 1840

Summary/Abstract: The present article surveys the use of Christian names in the parish of Pöide on Saaremaa, as recorded in the birth registers from 1801 to 1840. In periods of five years figures are given on the numbers of baptized children, different names, names used only once, bipartite names, as well as frequency. The averages of the five-year periods are given, as well as the figures for the whole 40-year period. Only boys’ names have been taken into consideration. On average 466 boys were baptized in any five-year period, whereby on average 39 names were used. 2.6% of the boys received names used only once, bipartite names 1.1%. The ten most common names were used to baptize 75.6% of the boys (51.6% with the five most common, 14.8% with the most common name). The tendency to use few names, already noticeable in the 18th century, thereby continued well into the 19th century. One can detect a slight increase in the period from 1826 to 1830, due to social changes, though this was of short duration.

  • Issue Year: 1999
  • Issue No: 44-45
  • Page Range: 030-041
  • Page Count: 11
  • Language: Estonian
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