Conditiile ce au dus la anexarea Transilvaniei la Ungaria (1865). Influenta acestui eveniment asupra statutului juridico-canonic al bisericii ...
The Conditions which led to the Connexion of Transylvania by Hungary in 1865. The Influence of this Event Upon the Juridical - Canonical Status ...
Author(s): Patriciu-Dorin VlaicuSubject(s): Christian Theology and Religion
Published by: Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai
Keywords: Annexation of Transylvania by Hungary 1865
Summary/Abstract: The Conditions which Led to the Connexion of Transylvania by Hungary in 1865. The Influence of this Event Upon the Juridical - Canonical Status of the Church in Transylvania. The author presents the political - historical conditions which led to the annexion of Transylvania to Hungary in 1865. The Romanians from Transylvania had no rights in their own country. In order to stop the Romanians' anger, the Government from Viena (Wien) accepted to re-establish the Orthodox Mitropolitan Church of Transylvania on the 24-th of December 1864 and to found the Caransebe¿ Bishopric on the 8-th of July 1865. From now on the Orthodox Romanians from Transylvania would have a protective Church which would have a greater prestige.
Journal: Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai - Theologia Orthodoxa
- Issue Year: XLII/1997
- Issue No: 1-2
- Page Range: 197-207
- Page Count: 11
- Language: Romanian