Statutes as a Primary Source in Studying Associations’ Activities in the Era of Dualism (Example of the City of Košice) Cover Image

Stanovy ako prameň k činnosti spolkov v obdob dualizmu (príklad mesta Košice)
Statutes as a Primary Source in Studying Associations’ Activities in the Era of Dualism (Example of the City of Košice)

Author(s): Nikoleta Dzurikaninová
Subject(s): History
Published by: VERBUM - vydavateľstvo Katolíckej univerzity v Ružomberku
Keywords: Slovakia; history; Košice; association; statutes; dualism; analysis; 19th century

Summary/Abstract: The number of associations in the era of dualism was growing rapidly in Košice as well as in Hungary. Statutes constitute an important primary source for the research of an association’s life. The regulation by the Minister of Interior no. 1508/1875 ordered the associations to write their statutes and send them to the Minister of Interior for acceptance. Thus, the statutes were the first documents made by associations. Based on this primary source it is possible to study the creation, character and functioning of every association of that time. The aim of the paper is to analyze the statutes of associations in Košice in the era of dualism and to present possibilities of the research based on these statutes. By way of an example of the selected type of associations and the selected information excerpted from the statutes, the paper also presents the character of the city.

  • Issue Year: 2015
  • Issue No: 1
  • Page Range: 65-86
  • Page Count: 22
  • Language: Slovak
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