Night-Intimate, Mysterious, Needed. On Motives of Serbian and Croatian Poetry of 19th Century Cover Image
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Нощта-съкровена, тайнствена, необходима. По мотиви от сръбската и хърватската поезия на XIX век
Night-Intimate, Mysterious, Needed. On Motives of Serbian and Croatian Poetry of 19th Century

Author(s): Milena Dzherekarova
Subject(s): Cultural Essay, Political Essay, Societal Essay

Summary/Abstract: The article comments the theme about the night in the Serbian and Croatian literature of the 19th century. On one hand, the night is innermost and it gives the subject tranquility and exotic he needs. On the other hand, it is mysterious, it`s filled with visions and stories that are fantastic and they force the person to trembles in the face of unexpected. In other poetical works is interpreted the theme of liberations wars, the night is necessary – this is the time when the heroes can hide and can attack their foes and in the morning will begin new era in history of their native land. The authors, who consider the night in their works, are guided by their feelings, emotions and philosophical reflections on the life and the existential human issues. They succeed to create a picture in which the night is in line with the ideas and emotions of each of their characters and themselves. And this night – intimate, mysterious or necessary – is interesting and contradictory recreated.

  • Issue Year: 2012
  • Issue No: 3
  • Page Range: 191-197
  • Page Count: 7
  • Language: Bulgarian
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