Regionalne właściwości wyrazowe w pracach o pochodzeniu polskiego języka literackiego a ich funkcjonowanie w XVI-wiecznych drukach
Regional word properties in the works on the origin of literary Polish, and their functioning in 16th c. prints
Author(s): Paulina MichalskaSubject(s): Language and Literature Studies
Published by: KSIĘGARNIA AKADEMICKA Sp. z o.o.
Summary/Abstract: Based on the material collected from printed works in Słownik polszczyzny XVI wieku (‘Dictionary of 16th c. Polish’), and the newest research methods in historical linguistics, the paper attempts to answer what the status was of word units which derive from Old Polish and are used as arguments in the discussion on the genesis of the literary language in the Middle Polish era. That is to say, to what degree, if any, the regional word properties adduced in the discussion, were true differential regionalisms, and to what degree, by increasing their territorial reach, they became in the beginnings of the Middle Polish era regional properties only due to their frequency of use. Also, it appears that even a verification limited to 16th c. material can prove useful for acedemic teaching, where the question of the origin of literary Polish is one of the most important ones, and which, in connection with the advance in the field of historical regional differentiation of Polish, is now taught in a somewhat archaic way.
Journal: LingVaria
- Issue Year: 2012
- Issue No: 13
- Page Range: 85-98
- Page Count: 14
- Language: Polish