Occupational Mobility in the Transformation Process of the Czech Republic and the Slovak Republic Cover Image

Zamestnanecká mobilita v procese transformácie slovenskej a českej spoločnosti
Occupational Mobility in the Transformation Process of the Czech Republic and the Slovak Republic

Author(s): Valentína Harmadyová
Subject(s): Social Sciences
Published by: Sociologický ústav - Slovenská akadémia vied
Keywords: Occupational mobility; transformation process; modernisation; privatization

Summary/Abstract: The first part gives the total reference framework and background of occupational structure changes between 1988 and 1995. It is based on data from national statistics. A significant reduction of the public sector, creation of the private sector, and emergence of the economically independent persons and unemployed persons itself reflects the depth of social transformation changes. Denationalization was faster in the Czech Republic than in Slovakia. The macro economic conditions for the creation and development of private entrepreneurship differed in both countries - in Slovakia they were worse. Process of the transformation of the employment through the labour market was similarly intensive in both countries but the final structural change is less advantageous in Slovakia. The share of unemployed is four times higher than in the Czech Republic and the share of the private entrepreneurs two times lower than in the Czech Republic. From the point of view economic branch structure important difference between both Republics is in the decrease of employment in agriculture. This decrease is 1/5 bigger in the Czech Republic. The second part presents the analysis of individual changes of occupational status of people based on the data from the survey "Actors and strategies of social transformation and modernization 1995. In the focus is individual occupational mobility of respondents in 1988-1995. In the macro-structural level, the modernisation effect of total mass of occupational motions in the branch structure and the qualification structure of the public and private economy is examined. Among the analysed tendencies was identified some positive developments undoubtedly modernizing employment structure. In Slovakia it is the rationalisation process and significant decline in manufacturing employment and job positions for unskilled workers. In the Czech Republic there is the important decline of agricultural employees and increasing rate of private entrepreneurs. The transformation and privatization process in its present stage generally produce many contradictory effects. They are tendencies of slower development of employment in the tertiary sector, worsening occupational structure in private economy and especially in Slovakia problems with employing school-leavers and unemployed. On the individual level there are examined main mobility channels, individual characteristics of people who changed or did not change their occupation and consequences for their individual status. The total motion between the socioeconomic statuses of respondents was approximately the same in both Republics. In the Czech Republic, the job offer was significantly bigger and this fact caused the difference of the occupational mobility process between Republics. In the Slovak Republic employers focus on creation of new jobs for young people and school-leavers. In the Czech Republic, the offered jobs absorbed significantly a bigger number of people who left the agricultural coo

  • Issue Year: 1997
  • Issue No: 5
  • Page Range: 505-536
  • Page Count: 32
  • Language: Slovak
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