The Galich identity in the 12th-13th cent.: landowners, dynasty and nation  Cover Image

Галицкая идентичность в ХІІ-ХІІІ вв.: земельный, династический и этнический аспекты
The Galich identity in the 12th-13th cent.: landowners, dynasty and nation

Author(s): M. M. Voloschuk
Subject(s): History
Published by: Издательство Исторического факультета СПбГУ
Keywords: Galich; dynasty; title; ethnogenesis; politogenesis

Summary/Abstract: According to the new conception Galicia was not considered to be a part of Rus' in true sense of the word. It is not excluded that it was connected with earlier changes in eastern Slavic chronicles where Galicia was treated as a separate entity in relation to the rest of Rus' since the middle of the 12th century. From the second half of the 13th century the definition Galiciensis was not practically used in day-to-day documents of the Romanovichi and their neighbors. In the 14th century this designation was used in the main only in relation to the archbishopric of Galich, while the territory of the former Galich principality was designated in the main as terra Russia.

  • Issue Year: 2010
  • Issue No: 1
  • Page Range: 165-178
  • Page Count: 14
  • Language: Russian
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