Samotność a osamotnienie - osobowe stany egzystencjalne człowieka. Analiza etyczno-metafizyczna
Loneliness and Solitude - the Personal Existential States. An Ethical and Metaphysical Analysis
Author(s): Małgorzata WałejkoSubject(s): Education
Published by: Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL & Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
Keywords: person; separation (ontological solitude); false and true solitude (the falsehood of loneliness and the truth of solitude); loneliness; isolation and selfness; contingency; hierarchy of values; the Gospel of solitude; unity with God.
Summary/Abstract: The ontological loneliness of the human being, experienced in the personological aspects of existence, may become constructive or destructive, a fact that depends on the person’s will and the factors mentioned in the paper. Having conducted a conceptual analysis, the opposite tendencies in the contemporary times were shown: towards universalism and unification on the one hand, and excessive individualism on the other. They are conducive to cultivate loneliness and ignore the possibility to transform it in person-making solitude. The indispensable experience of loneliness may become something that is voluntarily turned into a chronic form that impairs the personal development, whose manifestations have been characterised. The false picture of the gift of solitude has been set side by side with its proper interpretation, the interpretation that is conditioned by the acceptance of the true hierarchy of values. It allows us to perceive the values of solitude shown in the text. The importance of the personal trait of solitude is shown in its role decisive of development or regress, in dependence on its true or false interpretation. It is worth considering the hidden message of the attribute of ontic separation. That separation, as it is impossible to replace solitude by material and human factors, directs persons towards the supernatural reality. The “Gospel of solitude” means hope to do away with loneliness and turn it into solitude that brings unity with God.
Journal: Roczniki Nauk Społecznych
- Issue Year: 35/2007
- Issue No: 2
- Page Range: 45-66
- Page Count: 22
- Language: Polish