The baltic states and international development cooperation : how can they best share their transition experience with less advanced transition countr Cover Image

The baltic states and international development cooperation : how can they best share their transition experience with less advanced transition countr
The baltic states and international development cooperation : how can they best share their transition experience with less advanced transition countr

Author(s): Hilmar Thor Hilmarsson
Subject(s): Economy
Published by: Vytauto Didžiojo Universitetas
Keywords: Small states; bilateral and multilateral development cooperation; budget support; policy dialogue; international financial institutions (IFIs); Mažos valstybės; dvišalio ir daugiašalio vystymosi bendradarbiavimas; biudžeto parama; politinis dialogas; tarp

Summary/Abstract: The Baltic States are in a transition from being recipient countries to becoming donor countries. The article argues that small states like the Baltic States can play an important role in economic development like, for example, the Nordic countries1, but in a different way. The Baltic States have recent and relevant transition experience to share that can be valuable for less advanced transition countries, but they are challenged by small development budgets. The article concludes that the Baltic States can increase their development impact by engaging in policy dialogue with their partner countries2 which should be supported with technical assistance projects and capacity building projects. Baltijos valstybės yra pereinamajame laikotarpyje, kuomet iš pagalbą gaunančiųjų šalių jos tampa valstybėmis donorėmis. Straipsnyje teigiama, jog mažos Baltijos valstybės, kaip ir Šiaurės šalys, gali vaidinti svarbų vaidmenį ekonomikos plėtrai, tik naudodamos kitas priemones. Baltijos valstybės turi naujausią ir tiesiogiai susijusią pereinamojo laikotarpio patirtį, vertingą mažiau išsivysčiusioms pereinamojo laikotarpio šalims. Straipsnyje teigiama, jog Baltijos valstybės gali pagreitinti savo vystymosi procesą, įsitraukiant į politinį dialogą su šalimis partnerėmis, kurios turėtų būti remiamos technine pagalba bei gebėjimus stiprinančiais projektais.

  • Issue Year: 7/2013
  • Issue No: 2
  • Page Range: 27-46
  • Page Count: 20
  • Language: English
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