Former Researches of Literature of Bosnia and Herzegovina in Arabic Language (in Yugoslavia): Results and Perspectives Cover Image

Dosadašnja izučavanja književnosti Bosne i Hercegovine na arapskom jeziku (kod nas): Rezultati i perspektive
Former Researches of Literature of Bosnia and Herzegovina in Arabic Language (in Yugoslavia): Results and Perspectives

Author(s): Sulejman Grozdanić
Subject(s): Literary Texts
Published by: Orijentalni Institut u Sarajevu

Summary/Abstract: In researching the literature written in orientallanguages by Bosnian and Herzegovinian Moslems during the period of Ottoman rule, some metodological problems rise out at the very beginning. One of the" most important is the language problem, because some of the writers used all three oriental languages and even Serbocroatian. The problem is how to categorize such works according to language principle - Turkish, Arabic and Persian. The important fact is that nearly all our younger researchers decided to study only one of the language flows. The unique characteristics of each of the three languages, as weU as of the literatures written in them, shows that such tendency is justified. Briefly, Turkish was the administrative language and the language of literature, in a narrower, even modern, sense, as well as in the medieval sense. Arabic was »the language of science«, in the field of the humanities and also in the field of natural sciences. Persian was the language of special poetry and the commentaries on the classic Persian poets. Researching and studiing of this literature in our country can be devided into few stages. The initial was that far-away stage when the first bio-bibliographical notes about few writers had appeared, with very poor and lapidary valuation. The next stage was marked by Safvet Bašagić. It was the stage of more detailed presentation of some writers and their works, with more relevant data, partial scientific apparatus, argumentative opinions, critical notes and literary-aesthetical judgements. The new stage was in the spirit of more detailed and more systematic scientific and researching work. mainly connected with the establishing of the Institute for Oriental Studies (Orijentalni institut) in Sarajevo (1950), and its annual Contributions to the Oriental Philology (Prilozi za orijentalnu filologiju - POF) in which a considerable number of studies and critical translations have been published. The most important work of this stage was. The Literature of the Moslems of Bosnia and Herzegovina in Oriental Languages, written by Hazim Sabanović. Finally, modern stage represents the highest results of our researches up to now. It can be defined as the phase of monography studies, which can be illustrated by a dozen of monographies and disertations written and published (cf. notes 14, 15 and 16). lt is interesting that the literature in Arabic language is the most explored and presented, in proportion to its scope, which is much smaller than the scope ofthe literature written in Turkish language. The most prominent writers of this literature are relatively well presented : Ali Dede Bošnjak, Muhamed Musić Allarnek, Hasan -Kafija Pruščak, Mustafa Ejubović - Sejh Jujo, Ibrahim Opijač, Mustafa Pruščak, Muhamed Hamdi Skejo, Ali-Fehmi Džabić.

  • Issue Year: 1990
  • Issue No: 39
  • Page Range: 49-68
  • Page Count: 20
  • Language: Bosnian
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