Неразгаданите тайни на съкровищата в Латинска Америка
The mysteries unscrutable of the treasures in Latin America
Author(s): Eleonora PentchevaSubject(s): Archaeology
Summary/Abstract: The treasures in Latin America could be classified in several groups . The first group consists of adornments and ornaments for everyday use, beautiful small objects which prove the mastery of their creators. The way they were found and appropriated is characterized in most cases by human greed. It great number of the objects containing a lot of information about their owner in the past are irreparably destroyed. The pyramids on the continent keep a lot of treasures. Some of the most ancient are those from the time of Mohika, who inhabited old Peru. They were the best masters. They tooled gold without alloy. The treasures are not just memento of the natives with their culture, customs and rituals. Many of the objects bring scientific information whose origin is a debatable ground for heated arguments among archeologists and historians. Such examples are the representations of the Ancient Calendars of the Mays “tzolkin” and “haab”. According to the ancient Mayes time was not like an overflowing in one direction, but interwearing of earthly, cosmic and another kind of time, probably foreign planetary time. All attempts of clarifying these hypothesis lead to more questions that answers. Haw to explain the fact that ancient Mayes who are unwilling to progress by fond their primitive farming implements which wear out with years, keep their amazing philosophy of time, treasure days, dating back million years ago. It is owing to the fact that own familiar schemes of development do not agree with our concepts for the beginning of history, according to which the ancient are the first stage, the primitive community is next. We have not found out another beginning. Primitive people could not know mathematics, astronomy and writing. Obviously, we will have to accept the hypothesis that there are cultures whose development start with the second, third or fourth stage, and after that some of them downgrade instead of progress. We should not be afraid to use our imagination. It is a driving force for so many discoveries. If courageous individuals did not create scientific hypothesis on the basis of their intuition and vigorous imagination we should not have built a bridge to a past. How shall we understand who we are if we do not know our past?! In these cultures knowledge is not result of collective creativity. Probably it has been given to them, as they claim by the Gods. Perhaps we will have to acknowledge the fact that astronomy and mathematics are cosmic sciences which we have reduce covered in more ancient time and epochs. The Latin America treasures have a secret meaning and a perpetuated past, which we have to decifer. The more there are discoveries, the more there are absurd hardly hypothesis which we have deny or accept.
Journal: Балканистичен Форум
- Issue Year: 1998
- Issue No: 1-3
- Page Range: 68-79
- Page Count: 12
- Language: Bulgarian
- Content File-PDF