On Some Dogmas and Controversies in Grunwald Historiography. King Władysław Jagiełło’s Stopping Place before the Battle of Grunwald and Royal... Cover Image

O pewnych dogmatach i kontrowersjach historiografii grunwaldzkiej. Miejsce postoju Władysława Jagiełły przed bitwą pod Grunwaldem a miejsce...
On Some Dogmas and Controversies in Grunwald Historiography. King Władysław Jagiełło’s Stopping Place before the Battle of Grunwald and Royal...

Author(s): Marek A. Janicki
Subject(s): History
Published by: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego

Summary/Abstract: The first part of the article is an attempt to revise the interpretations of a phrase by Jan Długosz from Book 11 of his "Annales", namely „tabernaculum capelle supra collem ediciorem lacum Luben spectantem”. Not only is the phrase crucial in determining the march direction of the Polish-Lithuanian troops to Grunwald and the assumed starting position, but also in determining the place they pitched camp after the battle. The fundamental issue lies in the analysis of the lexis and phraseology that Długosz made use of in his "Annales" and in the base description of the battle included in this work, that is the anonymous and contemporary to the events of 1410, the so called "Cronica conflictus…", which means a "Chronicle of the Battle…" The second part deals with chapter "Lacus terrae Prussiae" of "Chorographia Regni Poloniae" included in the first book of "Annales" as a document of a limited and even erroneous knowledge — possessed by Długosz by the end of his life — on the subject of the site where the battle of Grunwald was fought.

  • Issue Year: 2014
  • Issue No: 10
  • Page Range: 202-254+2
  • Page Count: 55
  • Language: Polish
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