Capacităţile limbajului şi limbii în verbalizarea scripturală a transcendentului
The Capacities of Language and Speech in the Scriptural Verbalization of the Transcendental
Author(s): Oliviu-Petru BotoiSubject(s): Christian Theology and Religion
Published by: Facultatea de Teologie Ortodoxă Alba Iulia
Keywords: revelation; tongue; language; Bible; Qur’an
Summary/Abstract: God’s revelation in the Scripture represents a clear and persistent communication and preservation of divine truths. In this process of revelation, the theology is conceptualized using the language tools that are available to men. In this respect it is necessary to describe of the relation between language, tongue and writt en text, on the one hand, and the conceptual capacities of men regarding the understanding and the expression. Even if the Scripture’s revelation uses human means of expression, giving the impression of cataphatic knowledge, the Scripture is understood in the Spirit of God who opens the human capacities to an apophatic knowledge that transcends the writt en text.
Journal: Altarul Reîntregirii
- Issue Year: XIX/2014
- Issue No: Suppl_2
- Page Range: 101-112
- Page Count: 11
- Language: Romanian