A különleges demokráciákról, avagy a tartalommal rendelkezõ formák
About Particular Democracies – or “the Forms with Fund”
Author(s): Gusztáv MolnárSubject(s): Politics / Political Sciences
Published by: Etnokulturális Kisebbségek Forrásközpont - Fundaţia Centrul de Resurse pt Diversitate Etnoculturală
Keywords: the “substance” of the Romanian democracy;
Summary/Abstract: The author focuses at the beginning of the article on the “Journal of Democracy”’s first issue in 2002 – that contains a study about the “End of the Transition Paradigm” and the symbolic importance of this study. The author talks about the democratical features of the transition states – a grey zone of democracy (elite pluralism, the politics of the dominant power), the model of particular democracy (“clientelism and particularism”) – and the Romanian example: where does it belong, the “substance” of the Romanian democracy.
Journal: Provincia - Magyar nyelvű kiadás
- Issue Year: 2002
- Issue No: 24
- Page Range: 6-7
- Page Count: 2
- Language: Hungarian