The Hungarian „bourgeois” – and the Hungarian writer  Cover Image

Álmok, tények, rögeszmék - A magyar polgár és a magyar író
The Hungarian „bourgeois” – and the Hungarian writer

Author(s): Károly Alexa
Subject(s): Literary Texts
Published by: Kortárs Folyóirat Kiadói Kft.
Keywords: Hungarian bourgeois; socialization of Hungary; literary representation of social category in the history of Hungarian literature; Hungarian literature

Summary/Abstract: The Hungarian term “polgár” (bourgeois, citizen) is difficult to explain in any European languages or context. It is among the key words of all social changes of the last two centuries, including the “socialization” of the country after 1948 (the word “polgár” was excluded from the political vocabulary). This extract – part of the author’s longer essay – deals with the literary representation of this problematic but central social category in the history of Hungarian literature

  • Issue Year: 2003
  • Issue No: 06
  • Page Range: 1-18
  • Page Count: 18
  • Language: Hungarian
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