The Branch of Polski Związek Chórów i Orkiestr in a jubilee year of 35 years of the social activity Cover Image

Oddział Bielski Polskiego Związku Chórów i Orkiestr w roku jubileuszowym 35-lecia działalności społecznej
The Branch of Polski Związek Chórów i Orkiestr in a jubilee year of 35 years of the social activity

Author(s): Jadwiga Sikora
Subject(s): Music
Published by: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
Keywords: The Branch of Polski Związek Chórów i Orkiestr; singing activity; social values

Summary/Abstract: The Branch of PZChiO in Bielsko-Biała has existed for 35 years. It includes 32 bands (21 choirs and 11 orchestras). The bands represent a high artistic level. They are the prizewinners of many competitions in Poland and abroad. The branch organises 4 cyclical events that have inscribed into the musical calendar for good. These are Międzynarodowy Festiwal Orkiestr Dętych “Złota Trąbka” in Kozy, Międzynarodowy Festiwal Chóralny Gaude Cantem im. K. Fobera in Bielsko-Biała, mettings with a carol, “Trojok Śląski” — a day of the Polish Choir Song. The branch also contains the oldest choires and orchestras which are the memebers of confraternity. The article also treats about music in a social environment on the basis of the activity of “Echo” mixed choir from Zebrzydowice and the role of an amateur movement in shaping the values transmitted by art.

  • Issue Year: 2012
  • Issue No: 4
  • Page Range: 125-134
  • Page Count: 10
  • Language: Polish
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