Application of Models for Forecasting of Enterprise Bankruptcy Cover Image

Įmonių bankroto prognozavimo modelių taikymas
Application of Models for Forecasting of Enterprise Bankruptcy

Author(s): Kristina Garškaitė
Subject(s): Economy
Published by: Vilnius Gediminas Technical University
Keywords: Forecasting of bankruptcy of enterprises; models; meant for forecasting of bankruptcy; probability of bankruptcy; financial indices; state of the enterprise's activity.

Summary/Abstract: The essence of the models, meant for forecasting of bankruptcy of enterprises, is a complex index, which covers various spheres of the enterprises’ activity and which allows to evaluate the threat of bankruptcy of enterprises according to the fixed critical limits of values. Several models, meant for forecasting of bankruptcy of enterprises, which imply application of the lineal discriminant analysis, were selected, i.e. the Altman method (the first one – the two indices model, the second one – the model for enterprises, the shares of which quote at the securities exchange, the third one – the model for enterprises, the shares of which do not quote at the securities exchange), the Lis, Tafler and Springate methods. The analysis of Lithuanian enterprises, including the operating ones and the ones, which have gone bankrupt after the period under review, was done, seeking to ascertain feasibility of application of the models, meant for forecasting of bankruptcy.

  • Issue Year: 2008
  • Issue No: 4
  • Page Range: 281-294
  • Page Count: 14
  • Language: Lithuanian
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