У Эстонии нет искуственных границ. Мы - открытый народ.
Estonia doesn't have artificial boudaries. We are openhearted people.
Author(s): Juhan PartsSubject(s): Social Sciences
Published by: Издательство »Права человека«
Keywords: Estonia; Juhan Parts; soviet occupation; ethnic identity; ethnic language
Summary/Abstract: The estonian prime-minister Juhan Parts is talking about EStonia after gaining independence. Duribg the period of soviet occupation it was important not to lose ethnic self-identification, ethnic language and culture. Today Estonia has become an open state - the state which accepts all other nations and cultures, though not forgetting their own.
Journal: Правозащитник
- Issue Year: 2004
- Issue No: 42
- Page Range: 69-71
- Page Count: 3
- Language: Russian