Evaluation in the Processes of Historical-Philosophical Cognition (in connection with the work of Franciszek Kwiatkowski) Cover Image

Wartościowanie w procesach poznania historyczno-filozoficznego (w nawiązaniu do prac Franciszka Kwiatkowskiego)
Evaluation in the Processes of Historical-Philosophical Cognition (in connection with the work of Franciszek Kwiatkowski)

Author(s): Czesław Głombik
Subject(s): Philosophy
Published by: Stowarzyszenie Filozofów Krajów Słowiańskich

Summary/Abstract: Valuation is invariably connected with all stages of the activity of the historian of philosophy with gathering facts, their arrangement, critical analysis and results. lt is present in all types of historiophilosophical studies - descriptive, biographic, historiocultural, hermeneutic ones - and thus does not ignore such a concept of the history of philosophy which is referred to as perennial philosophy (philosophia perennis). The most prominent representative of perennial philosophy in Poland was a catholic philosopher (a Jesuit) - Franciszek Kwiatkowski (1888-1949), and the trend had its adherents even in the second half of the 20th century. The catholic view-point of philosophy itself and its history was the standard of valuation - positive in relation to some facts, and negative in relation to others. The perennial was bound up with catholicity, and catholicity, in its turn, with the Church - and so philosophia perennis proved to be one of the most ideologized forms of philosophical historiography, referring in its philosophical valuation to non-philosophical criteria.

  • Issue Year: 2005
  • Issue No: 5
  • Page Range: 59-74
  • Page Count: 16
  • Language: Polish
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