Accounting of micro units based on the Accounting Act  Cover Image

Rachunkowość jednostek mikro według ustawy o rachunkowości
Accounting of micro units based on the Accounting Act

Author(s): Marcin Osikowicz
Subject(s): Economy
Published by: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego we Wrocławiu
Keywords: micro units; micro entrepreneurs; simplified accounting; lean accounting

Summary/Abstract: The revised Accounting Act introduces significant simplification of accounting to a defined segment of micro entities. Some of the changes relate to the methods of valuing assets and liabilities. However, the most important changes concern the scope of the information required by financial statements. A significant reduction in the minimum number of synthetic accounts is a result of the reduction of elements of financial statements, as well as positions of the balance sheet and the income statement. Generally, the simplification should influence the reduction of costs accounting services as well as the cost of audit of financial statements.

  • Issue Year: 2015
  • Issue No: 388
  • Page Range: 159-166
  • Page Count: 8
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