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On Scrambling in Old Icelandic
On Scrambling in Old Icelandic

Author(s): Yana Chankova
Subject(s): Language and Literature Studies
Published by: Софийски университет »Св. Климент Охридски«

Summary/Abstract: From the perspective of a movement approach to Scrambling, this paper considers a variety of Old Icelandic scrambled orders, resulting from clause-internal and VP-internal Scrambling. Mostly in the vein of Wallenberg 2009, Scrambling is herein described as an optional displacement operation that moves internal Arguments and Adjuncts out of their source positions to left-adjoin them to one of many possible targets in clause structure, and that is semantically and pragmatically effective. The paper discusses the core properties of Scrambling, based on the corpus of Íslendinga Sögur (Bergljót Kristjánsdóttir 1998), and reviews some basic assumptions regarding these properties.

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