Analiza i ocena wdrażania i funkcjonowania systemu zarządzania jakością w kontekście rozwoju przedsiębiorstwa
Analysis and assessment of introducing and functioning of quality management system in the context of company growth
Author(s): Marcin JakubiecSubject(s): Economy
Published by: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego we Wrocławiu
Keywords: quality; quality management; normalized systems
Summary/Abstract: In the article the problem concerning quality management system according to ISO norm 9000 in the context of analysis and assessment of implementing, functioning and improving of this system and its influence on company growth was described. The article contains two visible, separate parts: theoretical and empirical. The theoretical one concentrates on chosen ascpects of quality management, above all quality management system, and shows stages of implementation of this system in a company. The empirical part of the article concerns assumptions to do research and the most important results and conclusions from research. Research was conducted by case study method. Two companies were analyzed: small one and big one in order to show common and different areas concerning the aspects of implementing, functioning and improving of quality management system. The main problems in research were: the analysis of system implementation, the identification of problems during implementing and functioning of the system, profits from system existing and instruments used in system improvement. As part of conclusions from research the author refers to the reasons of implementation, employees reaction on implementation, difficulties during implementation, general assessment of functioning, changes in companies after implementation, difficulties and profits from functioning and instruments of quality used in system improvement.
Journal: Prace Naukowe Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego we Wrocławiu
- Issue Year: 2015
- Issue No: 376
- Page Range: 313-322
- Page Count: 10