Istota i znaczenie modlitwy w świetle nauczania ks. Kazimierza Aleksandra Hamerszmita
The Essence And Meaning Of Prayer According To Father Kazimierz Aleksander Hamerszmit
Author(s): Dariusz BrozioSubject(s): Christian Theology and Religion
Published by: Wydawnictwo Diecezjalne »Adalbertinum«
Keywords: prayer; Hamerszmit
Summary/Abstract: The article undertakes an issue of prayer by Fr. Kazimierz Aleksander Hamerszmit (1916-1996), an ex-prisoner of the concentration camps in Sachsenhausen and Dachau. He was a long-term parish priest and dean in Suwałki, and still is held in memory of the faithful as a calm and modest minister of great heart. His multi-aspects pastoral activity conduced to a certain literary legacy. In his speeches and sermons Fr. Ham-erszmit underlines a necessity of prayer in Christian life. He highlights that the Chris-tian finds the pattern of prayer in Jesus Christ, Blessed Virgin Mary, angels, and saints. He also encourages to developing one’s spiritual life, and recommends good prayer that leads to sainthood.
Journal: Studia Ełckie
- Issue Year: 9/2007
- Issue No: 1
- Page Range: 247-267
- Page Count: 21
- Language: Polish