Beyond Poverty in Romania: An Analysis of Household-Level Factors of Poverty and Precarious Prosperity Cover Image

Za hranicou chudoby v Rumunsku: Analýza faktorov chudoby a prekérnej prosperity na úrovni domácností
Beyond Poverty in Romania: An Analysis of Household-Level Factors of Poverty and Precarious Prosperity

Author(s): Ionela Vlase, Ana Maria Preoteasa, Iuliana Precupetu
Subject(s): Social Sciences
Published by: Sociologický ústav - Slovenská akadémia vied
Keywords: Romania; poverty; precarious prosperity; non-poor; EU-SILC

Summary/Abstract: Beyond Poverty in Romania: An Analysis of Household-Level Factors of Poverty and Precarious Prosperity. This paper looks at both poverty and a specific layer of population in Romania we call precarious prosperity with the goal of understanding the household-level factors that contribute to the likelihood of being in this respective category. Drawing upon the emerging literature on precarious prosperity, this approach is an attempt to look beyond measures of poverty that are limited from appropriately capturing the relevant economic circumstances of disadvantaged households. Based on the latest wave of available EU-SILC data, multinomial logistic regression shows that similar household-level factors like housing type, unemployment, household production and household type have an impact on the likelihood of being in poverty or precarious prosperity. Sociológia 2015, Vol. 47 (No. 3: 253-271)

  • Issue Year: 47/2015
  • Issue No: 3
  • Page Range: 253-271
  • Page Count: 20
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