The subject of the foregoing article is a problem of an adequate criterion for the research religions in their multiplicity and diversity. The analysi Cover Image

Prawosławne widzenie dogmatu o Trójcy Świętej. Filioque
The subject of the foregoing article is a problem of an adequate criterion for the research religions in their multiplicity and diversity. The analysi

Author(s): Magdalena Żakowska
Subject(s): Christian Theology and Religion
Published by: Towarzystwo Naukowe Franciszka Salezego (TNFS)

Summary/Abstract: The purpose of the article is to present the dogmatic controversies between Orthodox and Ro- man Catholic Church, particulary these, related with the way of comprehending of the dogma of Trinity and the formula of filioque. It describes the historical basis of the dispute, the way it had evolved during the centuries, the reasons and the aspects of the escalations of the conflict as well as the attempts to prevent them and ecumenical attempts reconciliate both Churches in last decades. The article devotes particular attention to the question of instrumental taking advantage of theologi- cal dispute to secular purposes, related with the fight for power and primacy upon the Christian world. It presents the way in that the political competition between both Churches had found its indirect expression in strictly theological discussions and through formulating the succeeding dog- mas in credo. It describes as well the influence of the widely understaded extratheological, "exter- nal" factors on the process formulating of particular dogmas. The article presents also how in ground insignificant dogmatic aspects divide both Churches and how great importance in their mu- tual relations play the historical animosies and politic-prestigious reasons.

  • Issue Year: 24/2007
  • Issue No: 1
  • Page Range: 145-155
  • Page Count: 11
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