Социалната подкрепа и взаимоотношения като начин за справяне със стреса сред старите хора, живеещи в институции
Social support and relationships as a coping resources with stress of eldery in retirement home
Author(s): Liliya BabakovaSubject(s): Psychology
Published by: Институт за изследване на населението и човека - Българска академия на науките
Keywords: social support ; eldery; retirement home.
Summary/Abstract: In this article the social support and helping are accentuated as a coping resources with stress in old age. On the one side, the social support might be an important factor for well-being, but on the other - it`s possible for it not to buffer stress in this age group. Here is studied the relationship between daily hassles, social support and well-being of old people in retirement home
Journal: Психологични изследвания
- Issue Year: 16/2013
- Issue No: 2
- Page Range: 359-364
- Page Count: 6