Territorial diversification in self-government activity Cover Image

Dywersyfikacja terytorialna w działalności samorządu terytorialnego
Territorial diversification in self-government activity

Author(s): Jerzy Korczak
Subject(s): Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence
Published by: Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL & Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
Keywords: diversification; territorial diversification; territorial self-government; self-government unit; the municipality; district; voivodship; municipal economy

Summary/Abstract: The article presents the concept of internal differentiation of a territory of an entity of territorial self-government within the scope of its tasks (mainly own tasks), which – according to the terminology specific for economic and management studies – is defined as territorial diversification in the entity’s activity. The initial thesis on acceptability of diversification includes the Constitutional principle of territorial uniformity of the state as well as the principle of equal justice under law in the sense that the internal territorial differentiation that consists in; among others, isolating certain areas within which an entity of territorial self-government pursues the municipal economy in an different way than within other or different areas, is possible and lawful. Territorial diversification in the activity of entities of territorial self-government can be considered as a strategic management tool supporting development; especially, in the conditions of limited resources and economic stagnation. This approach is additionally supported by the assumptions of the Territorial Agenda of the European Union 2020, and the opinions of the European Economic and Social Committee on the sustainable territorial development policy of the European Union. The article analyses the regulatory status of the positive law and doctrine within the frameworks of territorial diversification in the functioning of the entities of territorial self-government at the level of voivodeships, districts and communes. The analysis was referred to the selected spheres of these entities’ activity, as spatial planning and development, waste management and establishing certain local public imposts.

  • Issue Year: 25/2015
  • Issue No: 1
  • Page Range: 123-151
  • Page Count: 29
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