“Without church Christ disappears in the past, without Christ church becomes a mere organisation.” The relationship of Christ and church Cover Image

„Bez církve mizí Kristus v minulosti, bez Krista se stává církev pouhou organizací.“ Vztah Krista a církve v díle Josepha Ratzingera – Benedikta XVI.
“Without church Christ disappears in the past, without Christ church becomes a mere organisation.” The relationship of Christ and church

Author(s): Pavel Frývaldský
Subject(s): Christian Theology and Religion
Published by: Univerzita Karlova v Praze, Nakladatelství Karolinum
Keywords: Joseph Ratzinger – Benedict XVI; Christology; Ecclesiology; Revelation; Eucharist

Summary/Abstract: The relationship of Christ and church is an important topic in the work of Joseph Ratzinger – P ope Benedict XVI. This article presents a summary of Ratzinger’s theological approach in a double respect: first, it shows how the current Pope relates the mystery of church to Christ, then it expresses Ratzinger’s approach to Christology on the ground of church hermeneutics. The close connection between Christ and church, which is rethought by the author in the context of up-to-date Christological crisis of church life and in consequence of the 2nd Vatican Council (Lumen gentium, Dei Verbum), is conveyed by the Ratzinger’s notion of church as God’s people, which rises from Christ’s body, and by his explanation of revelation, which is necessarily tied to the accepting subject of the church. Therefore church without Christ is dead and Christ without church incognoscible.

  • Issue Year: II/2012
  • Issue No: 1
  • Page Range: 87-111
  • Page Count: 25
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