Minorities in Conflict: The Russian Advance from Plevna to Adrianople (1877 – 1878) and Ottoman Repressive Measures against Greek Ottoman Subjects Cover Image
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Minorities in Conflict: The Russian Advance from Plevna to Adrianople (1877 – 1878) and Ottoman Repressive Measures against Greek Ottoman Subjects
Minorities in Conflict: The Russian Advance from Plevna to Adrianople (1877 – 1878) and Ottoman Repressive Measures against Greek Ottoman Subjects

Author(s): Spyridon Sfetas
Subject(s): History, Cultural history, Diplomatic history, Ethnohistory, Local History / Microhistory, Military history, Political history, Modern Age

Summary/Abstract: After the fall of Plevna the Ottoman Empire feared uprisings of the Greek population in the Ottoman provinces. It took repressive measures to prevent a Greek uprising. After the fall of Adrianople, the Greek state incited insurrections to internationalize the issue of the unredeemed Greeks. The uprisings were brutally stifled by the Ottoman army with the substantial help of irregular troops. The protection of non-dominant groups appeared in the Congress of Berlin in a bid of the Great Powers to secure peace in the Balkan states after the religious fanaticism during the Russo-Ottoman War.

  • Issue Year: 2015
  • Issue No: 3
  • Page Range: 83-93
  • Page Count: 11
  • Language: English
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