Author(s): María Luisa Fernandez-Echevarria
Subject(s): Language studies, Language and Literature Studies, Literary Texts, Theoretical Linguistics
Published by: Editura Universităţii Vasile Goldiş
Keywords: Aspect; phonematic word; enunciative period; syllabification; syntax.

Summary/Abstract: Abstract We discuss the notion of aspect through the difficulties in the use of ser / estar in Spanish. A sampleof proverbial sentences, where the enunciation subject seems to be erased, some examplesconcerning the periphrastic form "estar + gerund" and the analysis of a corpus of deviant formspermit to complete our contrastive study French / Spanish. A few translations of avoir/être, theconstat of alternative uses of ser / estar in some varieties of Spanish language and a few cases ofcreative writing that make burst grammatical standards, suggest a phonological approach ofenunciation by the notion of enunciative period. We define a time parameter of "instantiation" thatwe associate to morphology and to syllabification. The Phonematic Word as opposed to lexicalword is used to nuance the notion of aspect and make easier the choice ser / estar by an enlargedTAME analysis. Résumé Nous abordons l’aspect à partir des difficultés que posent ser/estar en espagnol. Des phrasesproverbiales où le sujet énonciateur semble effacé, quelques exemples concernant la formepériphrastique « estar +gérondif » et l’analyse d’un corpus de formes déviantes font avancer notreétude contrastive français/espagnol. Les traductions de passés composés en avoir/être, les emploisalternatifs de ser/estar dans les variantes d’espagnol et des cas où l’écriture créative fait éclater lesnormes grammaticales suggèrent une approche phonologique de l’énonciation par la notion depériode énonciative. Nous définissons un paramètre temporel d’« instanciation », associé à lamorphologie et à la syllabation. Le mot phonématique par opposition au mot lexical renddynamique la notion d’aspect en précisant les choix ser/estar par une analyse TAME élargie. Rezumat In acest articol se abordează aspectul, pornind de la dificultăţile pe care le creează ser/estar înspaniolă ; frazele proverbiale, unde subiectul enunţiator pare a fi eficace, câteva exemple privindforma perifrastică « estar + gerunziu » şi analiza unui corp de forme deviante ne permit oavansare a studiului nostru contrastiv francez/spaniol. Traducerile perfectului compus în a avea / afi, întrebuințările alternative de ser/estar în variantele limbii spaniole şi cazurile unde scrisulcreativ duce la explozia normelor gramaticale sugereză o apropiere fonologică a enunţării prinnoţiunea perioadei enunțiative. Noi definim un parametru temporal de instanţă asociat lamorfologie şi la silabisire. Cuvântul fonematic prin opoziţia cuvântului lexical dinamizeazănoţiunea aspectului precizând alegerea ser/estar prin analiza TAME extinsă.

  • Issue Year: XII/2016
  • Issue No: 01
  • Page Range: 55-68
  • Page Count: 14
  • Language: French
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