Legal opinion on the request of the Palikot Movement Club of Deputies for an order requiring the removal of a L atin cross located in the Chamber(...) Cover Image

Opinia na temat wniosku Klubu Poselskiego Ruch Palikota o wydanie zarządzenia nakazującego usunięcie krzyża łacińskiego, znajdującego się w sali (...)
Legal opinion on the request of the Palikot Movement Club of Deputies for an order requiring the removal of a L atin cross located in the Chamber(...)

Author(s): Roman Wieruszewski
Subject(s): Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence
Published by: Kancelaria Sejmu
Keywords: Poland; Latin cross; Chamber of the Sejm; the Constitution; impartiality;

Summary/Abstract: The opinion examines the request of the Palikot Movement Club of Deputies for an order requiring the removal of a Latin cross located in the Chamber of the Sejm. The decision on whether to leave the cross intact or remove it from the Chamber of the Sejm has not only – and, perhaps, not even primarily – a legal, but also a very strong political and ideological dimension. The authors analyze both Polish and European standards. The presence of the cross in the Chamber of the Sejm does not infringe the principles of the Constitution, since it does not influence the shape of the parliamentary decision, does not affect the image of the Sejm as ideologically impartial body and does not breach the principle of non-discrimination through the possibility of displaying other religious symbols at the request of Deputies of other religions.

  • Issue Year: 2011
  • Issue No: 4
  • Page Range: 78-87
  • Page Count: 10
  • Language: Polish
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