“Suppositio ‘universalia realia sunt ponenda’ est admittenda”. Nominalism and Realism at the Prague University in Late Middle Ages in the Light of an Anonymous Tract on Logic Written in 1394–1397 Cover Image

„Suppositio ‚universalia realia sunt ponenda‘ est admittenda“. Nominalismus a realismus na pražské univerzitě v pozdním středověku ve světle jednoho anonymního logického traktátu z let 1394–1397
“Suppositio ‘universalia realia sunt ponenda’ est admittenda”. Nominalism and Realism at the Prague University in Late Middle Ages in the Light of an Anonymous Tract on Logic Written in 1394–1397

Author(s): Martin Dekarli
Subject(s): History
Published by: Univerzita Karlova v Praze, Nakladatelství Karolinum
Keywords: Prague University; realism; nominalism; universals; logic; semantics; Richard Billingham; Richard Brinkley; John Wyclif; Stanislaus de Znoyma; Stephanus de Palecz; Jan Hus

Summary/Abstract: This paper provides a summary of the current knowledge about the development of nominalism and realism at the Prague University in Late Middle Ages with the special emphasis on the anonymous ‘sophistria’ treatise on logic. The author reconstructs the institutional and doctrinal context of the logic’s teaching at the Prague Faculty of Arts and draws attention to the importance of the nominalist tradition. Finally, the article revises known facts about John Wyclif’s influence within the Prague intellectual milieu.

  • Issue Year: 54/2014
  • Issue No: 2
  • Page Range: 11-42
  • Page Count: 32
  • Language: Czech
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