Evaluation of state aid for research, development and innovation Cover Image

Ewaluacja pomocy publicznej na badania, rozwój i innowacje
Evaluation of state aid for research, development and innovation

Author(s): Paulina Kubera
Subject(s): Economy
Published by: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego we Wrocławiu
Keywords: state aid; evaluation; innovation; counterfactual scenario

Summary/Abstract: Along with the need for more economical use of public funds the interest of public policy-makers in delivering credible evidence of effects of public interventions has grown. The paper presents the methodological approach in the assessment of state aid for research, development and innovation resulting from the EU integration. On the basis of the legal provisions, EU guidelines, literature and evaluation studies review, state aid as one of the forms to foster research, development and innovation has been characterised against the innovation theories; the principles of the European Commission balancing test in the ex ante assessment of the said aid have been discussed as well as the methods to verify one of its premise – the incentive effect in the evaluation based on counterfactual scenario have been depicted.The State aid policy falling into the EU exclusive competence promotes specific objectives, values and principles of conducts that penetrate the national practice of state aid management.

  • Issue Year: 2016
  • Issue No: 421
  • Page Range: 301-312
  • Page Count: 12
  • Language: Polish
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