Between sanctity and madness. About an Antonin Artaud’s travel to Sierra Tarahumara, i.e. to the land of theatre’s “resurrection” Cover Image

Między świętością a szaleństwem. O podróży Antonina Artauda do ziemi „zmartwychwstania” teatru
Between sanctity and madness. About an Antonin Artaud’s travel to Sierra Tarahumara, i.e. to the land of theatre’s “resurrection”

Author(s): Adriana Świątek
Subject(s): Anthropology
Published by:
Keywords: Laboratorium Kultury; Claude Lévi-Strauss; Antonin Artaud; travel; insanity

Summary/Abstract: What does it mean to ravel? What is an expedition, being on your way? Where does the wild need to leave one’s land come from? The article deals with two travels understood as a vehicle that may take you to the Other, and at the same time desired cultural field. Lévi-Strauss goes to Brazil and Antonin Artaud to Mexico. Both Frenchmen leave their homeland – Europe in order to take a challenge of finding their new “I” in a new configuration of the world. Multiplied question marks triggering new travels, that when once started – never end, are the consequence of that decision. Between sanctity and madness reconstruct Artaud’s way to the core of his own existence and tries to prove that the power of influence of the Theatre and Its Double author’s vision lays in its message that invites for the lonely travel inside oneself. Its concept will stop resembling a utopia when a man looking for its being, not a passive and impersonal observer, collides their inner impulse with an offered outer impulse. Lévi-Strauss discovers his “physically and morally buffeted by exhaustion, hunger and a sense of discomfort” “I”. He comes back to his lair and tells us that “a man is not more alone in the universe than an individual in a group or a society between other societies”.

  • Issue Year: 2012
  • Issue No: 1
  • Page Range: 82–90
  • Page Count: 9
  • Language: Polish
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