In Whose Name We (Cannot) Speak: Of Sojourner Truth and “Experience” as Starting Point for Living and Considering the Political Subject Cover Image

U čije ime (ne) smemo govoriti: o Sodžurner Trut i „iskustvu” kao polaznoj tački za življenje i razmatranje političkog subjekta
In Whose Name We (Cannot) Speak: Of Sojourner Truth and “Experience” as Starting Point for Living and Considering the Political Subject

Author(s): Emilia Epštajn
Subject(s): Gender Studies
Published by: Centar za ženske studije & Centar za studije roda i politike, Fakultet političkih nauka, Beograd
Keywords: Sojourner Truth; body; black; white; female; gender; experience

Summary/Abstract: This paper investigates the political subject of African American women created on t he social constructions and experiences of the black female body. Based on a genealogy of the African American women’s identity, its main focus is to defi ne the formation of black subjectivity on the supposed gender/race axis, as opposed to the single gender or single race axis in which identity politics have traditionally been anchored. Th e paper will analyse the theoretical dealings with the body in black feminist writing placing black feminist scholarship in the forefront and their particular theoretical interpretations with the categories of gender and race, which draw heavily on gendered black experience. Historically this experience is based in slavery and the particularities of being a black woman, during and in the aft ermath of slavery. Applying an intersectional approach which assumes that the experiences of women are a complex interrelation of gender/sex/class/ race realities, the paper investigates the limits and potentials of identity politics and politics of diff erence respectively, for African American women, as well as the implications of using the category of experience as the starting point of subjectivity.

  • Issue Year: 2014
  • Issue No: 18
  • Page Range: 1-29
  • Page Count: 29
  • Language: Serbian
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